Gymnázium Třeboň

Goodbye EDISON

Děkujeme našim hostům - Mandy z Taiwanu, Arturovi z Arménie, Bambangovi z Indonézie a Avneetovi z Indie za inspirativní týden a zpětné vazby, které patří všem, kteří si spolu s námi EDISON na našem gymnáziu užívali - žákům, učitelům i hostitelským rodinám:
It was a nice week in Gymnasium Trebon. I got to learn a lot in this week. The teachers here were so helpful and so the students of the school. My host family is such a great family and i had pretty good time with them, they provided me with everything they could and took good care of me. We were provided with great food each day at school. The trip to Budweis brewery was great. It could have been more good if we got to spend some more time together with the students and had some after school activities. Thank you so much for everything.
Avneet Thukral
Gymnaziom of Trebon was really so nice for me.During of my experience in Czech Republic and have a many schools I can say that your gymnazium with Kubatova school and gymnazium of Piera di Kubertina in Tabor are the best that I have seen here.
My host family is really very warm and beautiful.They did their best for me.
About your students,they are clever,active and interested,I enjoyed the time to work with them.
I hope we could do for you just a little piece.
Dekuju velice.
Its been a good week, your school is modern and clean. I'm enjoying my time here. My host family was fun, they were so kind to me. I have everything that i need. Looking forward to meeting them again. Such lovely people :). Your students have very good english (most of them). I feel very welcomed. They were nice ,very nice. The food was great.
Bambang Yr Sadono
Students are very enthusiastic. Thank you for your dessert, It’s good. Make me full everyday. I love my host family very much. They are very kind of me.Even though my English is not well, they  still talk to me with patience. My sweetie Katerina I love her so much, she always help me do a lot of things and make sure everything to me❤️ And I love her mom did a lot of delicious food,I like her very much . Make me full everyday. I think that your students are very shy, But I like them to interact with me in class.
Mandy YI-Man
Více informací o průběhu projektu EDISON na našem gymnáziu zde.

 Foto: AKo, LKo

Global village EDISON 2020ArthurMandyBambangAvneetZástupci hostitelských rodin - Katka,Nikolas,Terka a AndreaArthur roztančil tělocvičnu

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